domingo, 17 de agosto de 2014

Digital Snake Wing (Part 1) - PLL Test

As you may or may not know, I'm currently working on a Papilio Wing that streams and receives multiple channels of audio over Ethernet using the 5 layer TCP/IP model. The wing includes as an ADC a PCM1807 with a companion PLL1705 to generate the sampling clock frequencies. As a DAC it uses a MAX5556 and as the ethernet controller the ENC28J60.

Here is a render of the PCB and the actual PCB


By the way... I manufactured my PCBs with Elecrow and I have to say I am impressed with their quality. They are really cheap and really good :D.


Anyway... I've just received my Papilio and I'll be posting stuff as I progress.

The first thing I did was to be shure that the PLL was working, so I made a little test module in VHDL that turned on and off a couple of LEDs synchronously with the PLL output clock. Here is the code. Note tha it uses an IP module from Xilinx called DCM. This module is like a programmable PLL and is the one that converts the input 32MHz clock to the 27MHz clock for the PLL1805. You can get more info here


library IEEE;

entity Test_PLL is
        CK32 : in STD_LOGIC; -- Main Papilio Clock (32MHz)
        CK27 : out STD_LOGIC; -- Clock from the Papilio to the PLL
        CK384fs : in STD_LOGIC; -- Clock from the PLL to the Papilio
        LED1 : out STD_LOGIC;
        LED2 : out STD_LOGIC;
        BTN1 : in STD_LOGIC;
        BTN2 : in STD_LOGIC
end Test_PLL;

architecture Behavioral of Test_PLL is

        CLKIN_IN : IN std_logic;          
        CLKFX_OUT : OUT std_logic;
        CLKIN_IBUFG_OUT : OUT std_logic;
        CLK0_OUT : OUT std_logic
signal led1_signal : STD_LOGIC := '0';
signal led2_signal : STD_LOGIC := '1';

    Inst_DCM32to27: DCM32to27 PORT MAP(
        CLKIN_IN => CK32,
        CLKFX_OUT => CK27,
        CLKIN_IBUFG_OUT => open,
        CLK0_OUT => open
    -- This process reacts to one of the output clocks of the PLL
    blink: PROCESS(CK384fs)
        variable counter : INTEGER := 0;
        IF(rising_edge(CK384fs)) THEN
            IF(BTN1 = '1' and BTN2 = '0') THEN -- Button 1 pressed
                counter := counter + 1;
                IF(counter >= 1700000) THEN
                    led1_signal <= not(led1_signal);
                    led2_signal <= not(led2_signal);
                    counter := 0;
                END IF;
            ELSIF(BTN1 = '0' and BTN2 = '1') THEN -- Button 2 pressed
                counter := counter + 1;
                IF(counter >= 17000000) THEN
                    led1_signal <= not(led1_signal);
                    led2_signal <= not(led2_signal);
                    counter := 0;
                END IF;        
            END IF;
        END IF;

    LED1 <= led1_signal;
    LED2 <= led2_signal;    

end Behavioral;

You can also download the Xilinx project from my Github


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