miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Hercules Launchpad #7 - Nokia 5110 LCD Display (Part 2 - HALcoGen configuration)

So we continue....

Ok, now I feel confident enough to share my progress on the Nokia Display Library.
First I'm going to show you how to configure HALcoGen so that you can use the library.

Step 1
Create a new project just like before...

Step 2
Enable the RTI, GIO, SPI1 and HET drivers.

Step 3
Configure the RTI compare 0 timer to any small value (RTI -> RTI1 Compare). Also enable the interrupt for the compare 0 (RM42L432PZ -> VIM Channel 0-31). This is to generate delays.

Step 4
Configure the HET Drivers. You have to set pin 0 to be a PWM signal and enable the outputs of HET pins 0, 2, 4 and 6.

Step 5
Generate the code! (F5)

Ok, so this is the configuration you will need to be able to use the library. I will leave you with the links of my GitHub so that you can download the library and a demo.
On the part 3 of this tutorial I will explain all the functions I've created.



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