jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

Hercules Launchpad #8 - Nokia 5110 LCD Display (Part 3 - CCS Setup)

Ok, now that we've configured the files in HALcoGen, we have to import the Nokia Libraries. To make this, follow the steps...

Step 1
Create a new project just like we've done it before.

Step 2
Copy the .h and .c files to their respective folders inside the project (include and source, respectively)
Right-click on the root folder inside CCS and select "Add files...". Then select the library files you downloaded like this

Step 3
Now right-click again on the root folder inside CCS, but this time go to "Properties". Then go to "Include options" and add the directory where you stored the library files.

That's it! When you make use of the libraries you won't have any compiling errors. On Part 4 I'll explain the functions of the libraries...

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Hercules Launchpad #7 - Nokia 5110 LCD Display (Part 2 - HALcoGen configuration)

So we continue....

Ok, now I feel confident enough to share my progress on the Nokia Display Library.
First I'm going to show you how to configure HALcoGen so that you can use the library.

Step 1
Create a new project just like before...

Step 2
Enable the RTI, GIO, SPI1 and HET drivers.

Step 3
Configure the RTI compare 0 timer to any small value (RTI -> RTI1 Compare). Also enable the interrupt for the compare 0 (RM42L432PZ -> VIM Channel 0-31). This is to generate delays.

Step 4
Configure the HET Drivers. You have to set pin 0 to be a PWM signal and enable the outputs of HET pins 0, 2, 4 and 6.

Step 5
Generate the code! (F5)

Ok, so this is the configuration you will need to be able to use the library. I will leave you with the links of my GitHub so that you can download the library and a demo.
On the part 3 of this tutorial I will explain all the functions I've created.

